Thank you to Fr Jarek Zan for opening the evening with prayer & to Fr Wojtek & Br Dn Zachary.
Thank you to all FCI Committee & Members who worked so tirelessly in organising the night with preparation of food, activities & entertainment. Enormous gratitude to all the Sponsors for donations of various items of food & prizes to make this night successful. Monies raised on evenings such as this are donated to various needy centres such as Braeside Hospital, Westmead Childrens Hospital and many other facilities for the benefit of those less fortunate.
We thank all the guests who attended because without their presence the night could not have been a success. We hope you all had an enjoyable time.
We look forward to your presence & support again in 2019 as we never know when any one of us or our loved ones may need to access one of these various facilities. Cristo Regni