Our Lady Queen of Hermits, Patroness of the Order of St Paul the First Hermit – Feast Day

Our Lady Queen of Hermits, Patroness of the Order of St Paul the First Hermit – Feast
January 16

Patroness of the Order of St Paul the First Hermit and yearly consecration to our Lady of the Pauline Fathers and Brothers



Sunday 17th January 2021:

Saint Paul the First Hermits, Patriarch of the Pauline Order – Solemnity of St. Paul the First Hermit

As a parish Community we will celebrate this important Solemnity of the Pauline Fathers on Sunday 17th January at the 10.30am Mass, using the Votive Mass of St. Paul the First Hermit and readings of the day.

Blessing of Children:
As is the custom for the Pauline Order, there will be a special blessing for children on the Solemnity.

Blessing of Fruits:
We will also have the customary blessing of Palm Fruit (dates) at Mass.

Novena to St. Paul the First Hermit:
In preparation for the celebration of the Solemnity of St. Paul the First Hermit, the Litany to St. Paul will be prayed after all Masses from the 7th of January. The Novena can be downloaded here.