20th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Mass Time Information


Mass Times Survey: 
Recently our Parish Pastoral Council conducted a Survey/Questionnaire in relation to the Parish Mass in Italian at St Benedict’s Shrine and Parish Mass in English at St Therese Church.
The reason for this Questionnaire was to ensure that all Parish Masses can be celebrated in the event of only one (1) Priest being available in the Parish.
The survey was advertised, and forms were made available at ALL Masses in our Parish at both Churches. Submission closing date was set for 9 August.
On 11 August, the Parish Pastoral Council met to discuss this Agenda Item.
The results showed that 154 submissions were received. 74 from the Parish Mass in Italian of which 51 submissions chose Sunday at 9:00 am for the New Parish Mass in Italian; At St Therese Church 47 submissions were received of which 31 chose 7:30 am Mass time; Some submissions were invalid with other suggestions of Mass Times.

Therefore, ‘The People have spoken’ on the New Mass Times.
As of Weekend of 26/27 September 2020 The NEW MASS TIMES will take effect:
9:00 am for Sunday Parish Mass in Italian at St Benedict’s Shrine Smithfield and
7:30 am for Sunday Parish Mass in English at St Therese Church, Fairfield West.

ALL Parish Mass Timetable as of 26 September 2020 will be:
* Please see Parish Website for weekly Parish Bulletin and further information:
Weekday Masses:
7:00 am Mass at St Therese Church Fairfield West in English
9:15 am Mass at St Benedict’s Shrine Smithfield in English (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Friday)
10:30 am Mass at St Benedict’s Shrine on PUBLIC HOLIDAYS.
7:00 pm Mass at St Benedict’s on Wednesday Evenings with Holy Hour and Novena to St Benedict.
8:00 am Mass on Saturday Mornings and Public Holidays at St Therese Church Fairfield West.
6:00 pm Parish Vigil Mass at St Benedict’s Shrine Smithfield
7:30 am Sunday Parish Mass in English at St Therese Church Fairfield West
9:00 am Sunday Parish Mass in Italian at St Benedict’s Shrine Smithfield.
10:30 am Sunday Parish Mass in English at St Benedict’s Shrine Smithfield
6:00 pm Sunday Parish Mass in English at St Benedict’s Shrine Smithfield
5:00 pm Vigil Mass in Vietnamese at St Therese Church Fairfield West
12:00 pm Sunday Mass in Spanish at St Therese Church Fairfield West
5:00 pm Sunday Mass in Syriac at St Therese Church Fairfield West


Wearing face Masks Recently, the NSW Premier has now recommended that people wear masks when they are in crowded places and social distancing is not easy to maintain. She cites as examples public transport and places of worship.
We thank our parishioners for their great efforts in maintaining their social distance, but because people remain together there for 40 or more minutes, it would seem that masks will provide an additional safeguard.
It is not compulsory in NSW but strongly recommended.
The primary precautions remain hand sanitising and distance.

Thank you!
The Parish extends sincere thanks and gratitude to all Parishioners who generously gave donations for the purchase of the Liturgical Items for both St Benedict’s Shrine Smithfield and St Therese Church Fairfield West (including those who requested to remain anonymous)

Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council met on Tuesday 11th August. The main focus of the meeting was to discuss the results of the Parish Mass timetable Questionnaire.
The results of the questionnaire favoured that 7:30am Parish Mass to be celebrated in English at St. Therese and 9:00am Parish Mass in Italian at St. Benedict’s Shrine.
More details regarding the questionnaire and other items that were discussed at the PPC will be presented by a Council member at Mass this weekend.

Upcoming Celebrations:
Solemnity of Our Lady of Jasna Gora
The Solemnity of Our Lady of Jasna Gora will be celebrated on Wednesday 26th August. Tradition tells us that the original Icon, which is in the Jasna Gora Monastery in Czestochowa Poland, was painted by St. Luke the Evangelist.
The Pauline Fathers are custodians of the Icon and it holds a very special place in the spirituality of the Order.
There will be two Masses celebrated on 26 August for the Solemnity of Our Lady of Jasna Gora:
7:00 am at St. Therese Church and
7:00pm at St Benedict’s 7:00pm Wednesday evening.