The Most Holy Trinity

Parish News:

Requiem Mass for the late Gina Wilson – Thursday 3rd June 
A requiem Mass will be celebrated for Gina Wilson on Thursday 3rd June at  11am at St. Benedict’s Shrine Smithfield. On behalf of the Parish, we extend to the Wilson Family our deepest Sympathy and offer our Prayers. 

First Friday – 4 th June 
First Friday Devotions this Friday 4th June: 
St. Therese’s Church: 6.30am Exposition 7.00am Mass 
St. Benedict’s Shrine: 9.15am Mass followed by exposition and devotions. 
7.00pm Mass followed by exposition and devotions. 

First Saturday – 5 th June 
First Saturday Devotions this Saturday 5th June: 
St. Therese’s Church: 7am Exposition and Rosary 8am Mass 

Family Rosary – Saturday 5th June  
The Family Rosary Group will meet on Saturday 5th June at St. Benedict’s Shrine to pray the rosary beginning at 7.15pm (following the Vigil Mass).  All families are invited to come together and pray together.  

Solemnity of Corpus Christi – Sunday 6th June 
In Australia, the Solemnity of Corpus Christi is celebrated on a Sunday. Following each Mass there will be a short exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with some prayers. Please stay and pray with us adoring Jesus in the Most Blessed Eucharist.  

Wedding Anniversary Blessing – Sunday 13th June 
Couples who were married in the month of June are invited to receive a marriage blessing on Sunday 13th June at the 10.30am Mass.  

Parish Youth Group – Sunday 20th June 
The Parish Youth Group meets every third Sunday of the month. The next meeting will be on Sunday 20th June Join us for Mass at 6pm and following the Mass, youth meeting in the Parish Demountables. New members are always welcome to join.  

Men’s Rosary Group – Thursday 24th June 
The Men’s Rosary Group meets the last Thursday of every month at 7pm at St. Benedict’s Shrine. The group will next meet on Thursday 24th June. New members are always welcome to join.  

Calling for Parish Volunteers 
The backbone of any Parish is the commitment and dedication of the numerous volunteers who give freely of their time to assist the community in so many ways. St. Gertrude’s Parish has always had wonderful volunteers who have supported their Parish joyfully and wholeheartedly. Now with the Parish heading towards some sense of normality, we have hit the “re-set” button and are calling for volunteers for our two churches: 
St. Benedict’s Shrine and St. Theresa’s Church. If you already are a volunteer and wish to continue in your role, we welcome you back. 

For those who would like to help the Parish we would like to welcome you on board! There are a number of areas that you can help the Parish: Collector, Reader, cleaner, Altar Servergardening and maintenance, etc. If you would like to Volunteer, please see our Pastoral Team after Mass, or contact the Parish Office. Thank you and God Bless. 

Sacramental Program News:  


  • Congratulations to the children who made their First Reconciliation on Tuesday night.  

May you continue to embrace the love of our Forgiving Father.

  • Thank you to Fr Jarek, Fr Peter James and Fr Wojtek for celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Tuesday evening. 
  • Thank you to the Catechists, School representatives and Teachers, volunteers and parents who assisted with the ceremony this week. 


Were celebrated in our Parish, this weekend 29 and 30 May 2021. 

  • Ceremony 1 – Saturday 2 PM (27 children) 
  • Ceremony 2 – Saturday 6 PM (10 children) 
  • Ceremony 6 – Sunday 10:30 AM (4 children) 
  • Ceremony 3 – Sunday 2 PM (26 children) 

Congratulations to all the young people who received Eucharist for the first time this weekend! We pray that all our First Communicants and their families will be strengthened by their continued reception of Jesus in the Eucharist at Sunday Mass. The prayer support from members of the Parish Community was much appreciated by parents and children.  Thank you, parents, for the sacrifices you made in preparing your children for this special time. Special thanks also to the many people who were involved in the preparation program, meetings, rehearsals, and to all who assisted in making the Holy Communion ceremonies a wonderful and memorable time for the children.  

Holy Communion Photos can be collected from the Montefano Hall on Friday 2nd July from 6:30 pm to 8 pm. 

Will be celebrated on Sunday 12th September 2021. 

  • Parent Information Meeting: Tuesday 20th July, 7 pm in the Montefano Hall. 
  • Sessions commence weekend of 24/25th July. 
  • Enrolled candidates will be contacted at the end of June, by email, with more information regarding preparation classes and ceremony time.  

For all enquiries please email:, phone: 9725 4317 (Tues/Wed) or leave a message. If you wish to see Helena face-to-face, please email/call the Sacramental Office to make an appointment. Thank you.  

COVID-19 Update
There have been some changes to the NSW Health directives in regard to places of worship: 
The wearing of masks is no longer mandatory. However, NSW Health does maintain that this is strongly recommended. 
The number of people attending church services has also changed. 
Under the new regulations, there is no longer a “cap” of people attending provided that the one person per 2m 2 rule is observed. 
As such;
St. Benedict’s Shrine can hold a maximum of 300 people,  
St. Theresa’s Church 100 people and 
Montefano Hall 180 people. 

Dispensation Lifted 
Archbishop Anthony Fisher has lifted the dispensation from our Sunday Mass obligation. The Catholic faithful are once again obliged to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation when this is reasonably possible. Those who are of great age, have health conditions or are otherwise anxious about the risks of COVID-19 are free to remain at home and find another way of keeping the Sabbath holy. 

Changes to Management of Cemeteries  
You may be aware that this week the NSW Government has announced sweeping changes to the management of cemeteries, namely that all cemetery trusts will merge into a single government trust. In effect, this dismisses faith-based operators. The consequences of this decision are: 

  • That faith groups (including Muslims, Jews and other Christians) who manage and operate cemeteries will be replaced by government run agencies.  

For Catholics this ends 150 years of the role of the Church in burying the dead (a corporal work of mercy), the upkeep of graves and support of grieving families. 

  • That assets set aside to manage cemeteries will be forcibly acquired by the NSW Government without proper consultation. 
  • Uncertainty about graves being kept “in perpetuity” (forever). 
  • Almost certainty of increased costs for funerals. Uncertainty as to the use of Chapels for funeral services. 
  • Lack of understanding on the Government’s behalf that burying the dead is a spiritual mission which needs to be met with sensitivity and Pastoral Care.  

We encourage you to write to or telephone your local Member of Parliament appealing a reverse in this decision and sign the petition at


Parish Donations  

First Collection (Priests) Account: Smithfield House 
Order of St Paul the First Hermit  
BSB 066711 Acct. No. 007392  

Second Collection (Parish) Account: Smithfield Catholic Church 
BSB: 062784 Acct. No. 6675001 

Thank you for your continued support and generosityGod Bless 


Next Week: 
The Most Holy BODY and BLOOD of CHRIST  
Readings: Ex 24:3-8; Heb 9:11-15; Mk 14:12-16, 22-26