Dear Parents,
Children in Year 3 and above (in 2022), who have been Baptised in the Catholic Church, may be eligible to enrol in the combined First Reconciliation / First Holy Communion Programme. If your child has already made their Reconciliation, please indicate on the enrolment form. If you are unsure, contact the Sacramental Office.
Please visit the Parish Website for further Enrolment Information for these Sacraments. This following link will take you directly to the enrolment information letter:
To enrol your child in the First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion 2022 Sacramental Programme, please complete the online form by visiting the following link:
Enrolments will open on Sunday 21st November and will close on Sunday 5thDecember 2021.
If enrolling more than one child, please complete an online form for each child.
For planning purposes, please enrol during the enrolment period. Late enrolments may not be accepted.
For all enquiries, please call 9725 4317 to leave a message or email:
For face-to-face meetings – please contact the Sacramental Office to make an appointment.
God Bless,
Helena Mertin – Sacrament Coordinator – St Gertrude’s Parish, Smithfield