Solemnity of St Paul the First Hermit;

First Reading – 1 Kings 17:2-6

Second Reading – Gal 2,19-20,5:24-25;6:14-17

Gospel – Mt 11:25-30

Bulletin: 19 January 2025 Parish Bulletin

Solemnity of St. Paul the First Hermit Patriarch of the Pauline Order
St. Paul the First Hermit, or St. Paul of Thebes, is the Patriarch of the Pauline Order. St. Paul the Hermit is traditionally considered the first saint living a solitary life. He was born around 228 to wealthy and noble parents in Alexandria, Egypt. During the persecution of the Christians by Caesar Decius in 250 AD, young Paul fled to the Desert in Thebes by the Red Sea and learned to enjoy his solitary life “alone with God alone,” so much that he remained there for the rest of his life. He lived nearly ninety years in prayerful solitude, constant penance, and contemplation of God. Then, before he died, he was discovered by St. Anthony the Abbot, who spread the news about his holiness. It is believed that St. Paul was kept alive by the fruit of a palm tree and by a raven which brought him a piece of bread daily. He died at the age of 113, when, as related by St. Anthony, two lions dug a grave for him. This story is captured in the coat-of-arms of the Order, showing the palm tree, two lions and a raven. The Pauline Order chose St. Paul the First Hermit as its Patron and Patriarch and thus took the name “Order of St. Paul the First Hermit”. As Parish community this important Solemnity of the Pauline Order will be celebrated this Sunday, 19th January 2025 at the 10.30 am Mass, with the Prayers and Scripture Readings of the Solemnity at all Masses this weekend. Blessing of fruit will also occur at this Mass. As is customary, there will be a special blessing for children at all Masses. Oh behalf of the Pauline Fathers in Australia and across the word, I extend my blessings and prayers on this Solemnity.