There are many opportunities for you to become involved in any of our Parish Ministries and we encourage you to join us. We also wish to extend an invitation to our parish youth to join us.
Listed below are the positions we seek to provide. If you would like information regarding any of these ministries, please contact the parish office via the Contact Us page.
Reading the Word of God at Mass is a great privilege and an important part of assisting people to celebrate the Eucharist well. A good, clear voice is essential, as well as an appreciation of the text of the Bible. We will provide guidance to new readers. We need only two readers each Mass, so you can expect your turn to come around only once every few weeks on a roster system.
This ministry, previously only performed by seminarians, was opened up to interested laymen after the Second Vatican Council. Acolytes assist the priest at the altar and direct the altar servers so that the Sacred Liturgy is conducted with grace and reverence. Training is provided.
Altar Server
It is a wonderful grace to serve at God’s altar and an opportunity for young people to be more deeply involved in the Sunday liturgy. Servers are drawn from boys and girls, young men and young women, who have made their First Communion. They assist the priest and acolyte in ensuring that the Mass is celebrated gracefully and reverently.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
It is a wonderful privilege to offer the Body and Blood of Christ to his people! Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest with the distribution of the Eucharist at Mass (some also take Holy Communion to a sick or frail elderly person). We will provide guidance to new Ministers of Communion.
The first contact for a new parishioner or visitor to the parish is crucial. Even our regulars like to be welcomed! This ministry simply offers a welcome to people as they arrive at Mass, offers them a parish bulletin, and gives them a sense that they are a valued presence. The task only requires a quarter of an hour before Mass.
This task is to ensure that certain activities in the Mass run smoothly, such as ensuring that the collections are taken up and brought forward and that people are invited to take up the gifts at the Offertory procession.
Cleaners and Maintenance
There are many jobs required for preparing the Church for liturgies and tidying up afterwards. Several people are needed to do small jobs such as setting up and tidying up, cleaning sacred vessels and altar linens, flower arranging, and other aspects of the care of the sanctuary and the church décor.