Dear families/parishioners, Please see link below regarding Confirmation enrolments. Confirmation enrolment update FINAL 19-3-20 For all enquiries, please contact the Sacrament Office via email: or phone: 9725 4317 and leave a message.  God Bless, Helena – Sacrament Co-ordinator… Read More

Bulletin now available to download 12 January 2020   13th January celebrations at Penrose Park will be cancelled due to the risk of local bushfires.  Third Collection 26 January (Australia Day) for bushfire appeal at all Masses. … Read More

Bulletin now available to download 8 December 2019 Notices   Christmas Mass Times Parish Youth Group Christmas Party Sunday 15 December  2020 Parish Facility Bookings – please submit in writing or email to the parish office. … Read More

Bulletin now available to download 24 November 2019 Notices   Renewal of Mission for all All Acolytes and Extraordinary Ministers this weekend at all masses.   Parish Volunteers Thanksgiving Celebrations  4 December 2019.  For catering purposes, would all volunteers attending please RSVP by 30 November.    Parish Working Bee 9am  Saturday 30th November – meet at… Read More

Bulletin now available 17 November 2019   Celebrating Feast of St Gertrude this weekend. Parish Volunteers Thanksgiving Celebrations 4 December   St Vincent De Paul Christmas Hampers – non-perishable food donations can be made to the Parish Office   All Acolytes & Extraordinary Ministers’  training scheduled for Thursday 21 November at 7pm. … Read More

Bulletin now available to download 10 November 2019   Renowned Catholic Speaker Mr John Pridmore will be speaking at all masses this weekend . Parish Feast Day of St Gertrude’s w/e of 16/17 November.  We will celebrate this feast at each Mass with the main celebration at the 10.30am Mass with Bishop Peter Ingham.   … Read More

Bulletin is now available to download  20 OCTOBER 2019 Parish Council Nominations will start from this weekend and continue until mid November. Nomination forms are available from the Church foyer. Please see the Bulletin for further notices.… Read More