Privacy Policy

St Gertrude’s Parish is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals who provide personal information to it, including those who provide personal information to it via its website (Site).

St Gertrude’s is committed to complying with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and with the National Privacy Principles. This Privacy Policy is designed to tell you about St Gertrude’s practices in relation to the collection, use, and storage of personal information.

What is personal information?

Personal information is any information about you that identifies you or from which your identity reasonably can be determined.

What types of personal information does St Gertrude’s collect?

St Gertrude’s collects and holds personal information that includes (but is not limited to):

  • your name, address, telephone number, email address and other contact details;
  • financial information, such as credit card details, for instance, when you provide such details on a collection envelope.

Why does St Gertrude’s collect personal information?

St Gertrude’s collects personal information for various reasons (which we generally notify to you at the time of collection), including the following principal purposes:

  • to place your contact details on mailing lists and in computer databases in order to provide you with information about Catholic Church related activities, functions, issues and initiatives;
  • to receive offerings from you.

How does St Gertrude’s collect personal information?

St Gertrude’s usual practice is to collect personal information directly from you either via this Site or by some other method (such as by post or email). For example, some areas of this Site may require you to submit information to enable you to benefit from the special features (such as newsletters and brochures) or to participate in a particular activity (such as an offer, competition or promotion).

In addition to collecting personal information from you, sometimes St Gertrude’s collects personal information from a third party if you have consented or would reasonable expect us to collect information in this way, for example, where the information is provided to St Gertrude’s (for instance, personal information contained in collection envelopes).

Does St Gertrude’s collect information via passive information collection?

St Gertrude’s may use cookies to assign your computer a User ID so that we can identify your computer on our server. You may configure your web browser so that you are notified in advance so your internet browser will disable cookies. In some instances cookies may collect and store personal information about you. Any personal information collected via the use of cookies will only be used by us in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Your Consent

St Gertrude’s requires you to consent specifically to any collection, use or disclosure of your personal information by St Gertrude’s. Your consent may be explicit, such as in writing or verbally, or may be implied by conduct.

Whenever you submit personal information to St Gertrude’s, you consent to: (i) the collection, use, disclosure and storage of that information in accordance with this Privacy Policy; (ii) your personal information being used to improve the Site; and (iii) the receipt of emails or other communications about St Gertrude’s and our activities (including information about marketing, promotional, and research purposes), along with communications about Catholic-Church-related activities, functions, issues and initiatives from time-to-time.

In addition, if you provide personally identifiable information to St Gertrude’s via this Site, you agree that we may combine such information with other actively collected information unless we specify otherwise at the point of collection. We will take reasonable measures to prevent personally identifiable information from being combined with passively collected information, unless you consent otherwise.

How will St Gertrude’s use the personal information you provide?

In general terms, St Gertrude’s uses the personal information you provide for the specific purpose or purposes for which you have given consent and for secondary purposes for which you reasonably expect St Gertrude’s to use your personal information.

For instance, if you have consented to receiving information about Catholic Church-related activities, functions, issues and initiatives, St Gertrude’s will send you email updates or newsletters regarding such Catholic Church matters.

Please be aware that you are free to “unsubscribe” to any publication that you receive from St Gertrude’s at any time.

Does St Gertrude’s disclose personal information to anyone?

St Gertrude’s may disclose your personal information in a number of circumstances, for instance:(i) where you have consented to us doing so (by way of example, in providing us with your contact details, you may have consented to St Gertrude’s providing those details to another group, such as the Australian Bishops Conference); or (ii) where required or authorised by law (for instance, in response to a subpoena or other court order); or (iii) to consultants, advisers or other third parties (in Australia or overseas) where that party has been contracted to provide administrative or other services to St Gertrude’s (and on the basis that that third party agrees to abide by this Privacy Policy).

Management and security of personal information

St Gertrude’s takes all reasonable precautions to safeguard your personal information from loss, misuse, unauthorised access, modification or unlawful disclosure.

However, you should keep in mind that the transmission of information over the internet is not completely secure or error-free. In particular, e-mail sent to or from this Site may not be secure, and you should therefore take special care in deciding what information you send to us via e-mail.

Transborder Data Flow

Personal data will not be transferred by St Gertrude’s outside Australia unless we reasonably believe that the information will remain subject to principles for fair handling of the information which are substantially similar to the Australian National Privacy Principles and will not be collected, held, used or disclosed by the recipients of the information in a manner inconsistent with this Privacy Policy.

Access to personal information

You may request access to personal information that St Gertrude’s holds about you or you can ask us to correct, amend or delete any personally identifiable information being held by St Gertrude’s about you (see our contact details below).

St Gertrude’s will take reasonable steps to update or correct, as soon as possible, any information in our possession that you have previously submitted that is inaccurate, incomplete, out-of-date or misleading.

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or you wish to lodge a request to access your personal information, please contact the parish office via the Contact Us page.

Applicable law

We do not represent that the content of this Site or this Privacy Policy complies with the laws (including intellectual property) of any country outside Australia. If you access the Site from outside Australia, you do so at your own risk and responsibility. You are responsible for making sure that you comply with all applicable laws in the place where you are located.