
The sacramental celebration of Reconciliation is one of the Church’s two sacraments of healing. It is sometimes called ‘confession’ because it involves acknowledging our sins and acknowledging God’s holiness and mercy towards us. It is called ‘reconciliation’ because it celebrates our reconciliation with God by proclaiming God’s mercy and forgiveness, and our intention to live according to the Gospel of Christ.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated every Saturday afternoon between 4:30 PM and 5:30 PM, just before the Vigil Mass, at St Benedict’s Church, Smithfield. During this time there is also Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

It is also available to all by appointment.

In the weeks before Easter and Christmas the whole community assembles in both our Churches to celebrate the Second Rite of Reconciliation together in preparation for the celebration of these great feasts.