25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

We continue this week calling awareness to the marriage plebiscite.  Please see links at the bottom of our website or on the home page for more information. 

This October will be a month of Prayer and Fasting for Marriage and Families.  There will be in particular:

  • Rosary 15 minutes before weekday Masses in Smithfield during October
  • 7pm Week nights at Fairfield West

In the coming month of October we have several events coming:

  • The Smithfield Youth Mass is every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at the 6pm Mass.  The next two dates are Sunday 1st of October, and there is the Youth group meet at 7-8pm on the 15th of October.
  • On Friday the 13th of October there will be a bus going to Penrose Park for the 100th Anniversary of Fatima Celebrations.
  • On Saturday the 14th of October at 5:30pm, just before the 6pm Vigil Mass there will be a Rosary Procession.
  • Also the Saturday the 14th of October after the Vigil Mass there will be the Parish BBQ.
  • On Sunday 22nd of October there is a Children Mass with Blessing of Pets at the 10:30 Mass.

For details see the parish bulletin: 24 September 2017 Notices.