29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

As always please check the 22 October 2017 bulletin for more details.

This Sunday at 10:30 there will be a blessing of pets after the 10:30 Mass which will be held in the field behind the Montefano Hall .

The youth attending the Australian Catholic Youth Festival will be making breakfast as a fundraising next weekend 29th October after the 10.30am Mass.
There will also be a Third Collection at all Masses to help them with the fees of attending this event.

Fr. Wojtek is starting a men’s Rosary Group.  If interested see the bulletin or contact the parish office.

There is also details about the preparation for First Holy Communion in the bulletin. If you have a child enrolled be sure to check it out.

During November Collective Masses will be said for the deceased loved ones of the parish.  If you would like the intentions included be sure to look for the envelopes when you come to church.