30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Have a look at the bulletin for the 29th of October for all the information for everything happening in the parish.

Important things to take note of include that the Wednesday evening Mass time at the Shrine of St. Benedict will change to the summer time from the first of November to 7:00 pm.

The Mass times for All Saints (1st of November) are 7:00 am at St. Therese’s and 9:30 am and 7:00 pm at St. Benedict’s.  For All Souls (2nd November) it is 7:00 am at St. Therese’s and 9:15 am and 7:00 pm at St. Benedict’s.

During November Collective Masses will be said for all deceased loved ones.  You can find envelopes in the pews if you wish to have their names included in the intentions. More details in the bulletin.

This coming Sunday there will be a third collection and also a fundraiser after the 10:30 am Mass at St. Benedict’s to support the youth going to the Australian Catholic Youth Festival.

Fr. Wojtek is still trying to organizing a men’s rosary and social group.  Please see him in interested.

Again full details and all information to be found the the bulletin for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time.