Have a look at the 5 November 2017 Bulletin as always for all the news for what is going on. Here are some things we would like to draw attention to.
A big thank you to everyone that contributed funds towards helping the youth attend the Australian Catholic Youth Festival, in particular we would like to thank an anonymous donor that gave a very large sum towards this.
We continue to remind parishioners that the Wednesday Evening Mass, followed by the Novena to St. Benedict has changed to 7:00pm.
Also we continue to invite everyone to add their intentions to the collective Masses said for deceased loved ones using the November Mass Envelopes found in the church, details in the bulletin.
Parish Volunteers, who have not attended Safeguarding training in 2017, will need to attend a compulsory training session in the Parish Office. Please see bulletin for details.
There is also a notice in the bulletin for all parents of children preparing to receive their First Holy Communion.
For everything else check the 5 November 2017 Bulletin.