Solemnity of Saint Paul the First Hermit
Saturday 15th January 2022
Patriarch of the Pauline Order
St. Paul the First Hermit or Paul of Thebes is the Patriarch of the Pauline Order.
As a parish Community this important Solemnity of the Pauline Fathers will be celebrated on Sunday 16th January at the 10:30 am Mass, using the Votive Mass of St. Paul the First Hermit and readings of the day
Upcoming Celebrations
Thursday 20 January – Feast of Blessed Eusebius of Esztergom
Friday 21 January – Happy Name’s Day Fr. Jarek
On Friday 21 January, Fr. Jarek Zan will celebrate his Name’s Day.
As a Parish community we extend to Fr. Jarek our prayers and best wishes for this day.
May our Heavenly Father pour out upon you many graces and blessings.
May our Heavenly Mother protect and intercede for you always.
January 26 – Australia Day
Wednesday 26 January is Australia Day.
Masses will be celebrated:
St. Therese’s Church – Fairfield West: 8:00 am
St. Benedict’s Shrine – Smithfield: 7:00 pm
Please join with us as we pray for the Health, well-being, and peace in our country.