Weekly Notices; 27th Week in Ordinary Time

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Weekly Bulletin; 4 October 2020 Bulletin

This coming week!
Wednesday 7 October
Feast – Our Lady of the Rosary
Mass Times:
7:00 am at St Therese Church – Fairfield West
7:00 pm at St Benedict’s Shrine – Smithfield

It is a tradition in the Church that October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary.

The Rosary will be prayed each weekday in our Parish.

St. Benedict’s: 8:50 am (before 9:15 am Mass on Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri)

St. Therese’s: 7:00 pm

You are most welcome to join us and pray the rosary as a community for the intentions of our world.


Rosary Pilgrimage
The official Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady Help of Christians will be travelling through the Parishes of the Archdiocese during the month of October.

It will be visiting our Parish on 25th October.

Our Parish Family Rosary will commence at 7:00 pm.

* Please feel free to bring flowers as a gift to Our Lady during her visit to our Parish.


Overflow Mass 10:30 am Sunday
In recent weeks it has come to our attention that the 10:30 am Mass is a popular choice for our Parishioners.
To follow NSW State guidelines and to ensure your access to celebrate Sunday Mass, there will be an overflow Mass at the same time in the Montefano Hall.
Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.

Catechesis for Adults and Young People
In all the confusion this year, one thing is certain, God loves you! You may be young or old, but in your baptism, God chose you!
Today God offers you a community, the Church. Come and listen!
A series of catechesis will be held every Monday and Thursday at 7:30pm, beginning Monday October 12th.
Meeting in St Gertrude’s Chapel, 1 Justin St Smithfield, opposite St Benedict’s Shrine. *Babysitting available and recommendations of safe COVID/social distancing will be followed.

Thank You!
On behalf of the Parish, we thank you for supporting our Parish.

Parish Maintenance Update
Over the past few months there has been a lot of activity in the church with Maintenance Projects.

Some of the more major works include:
St. Benedict’s Shrine – Smithfield
– Replacing exterior tiles under the stained glass windows – Upgrades to data projector – Upgrades to the sound system and microphones – Installation of Wi-Fi to stream Mass – Repair of window roller shutters – Professional cleaning of marble floors throughout the church – Installation of cleaner’s sink in sacristy – Repair to external flood lighting – Replace internal pelmet lighting and other lighting – Refurbishment of Parish Demountables.

St. Therese Church – Fairfield West
Connection of hot water for cleaners – Repair and reconfigure church sound system – Installation of new boundary Colourbond fencing. – Repaint and repair rental property.

Montefano Hall
Repair downpipes and part roofing repair – Installation of new hot water system to kitchen – Electrical works – Exit signs and external sensor lights

These works are only made possible by the generous donations of Parishioners and Benefactors.

Upcoming Urgent Maintenance
There are a number of maintenance projects that still need to be completed. Some have been put on hold due to Covid19, but others are unavoidable and are urgent.
In particular:
Roof repairs to St. Benedict’s Shrine, estimated at $12,000 –
External security upgrades of CCTV security, estimated $12,000.
If you are able and would like to make a contribution to our upcoming maintenance, please contact the Parish Priest via the Parish office.
Thank you for your continued support of the Parish.

Thank you for keeping us safe!
The Parish would like to extend our gratitude and thanks to all those who are keeping us safe during this time, especially those who are keeping our churches clean and sanitised after services.
Your commitment to keeping us safe is greatly appreciated.

Sacramental Program
First Reconciliation, First Holy communion and Confirmation preparation has been deferred to 2021. Children currently enrolled will be contacted when classes are ready to resume.
Enrolment information and any changes to the programmes will be published in the Parish Bulletin.
The Sacramental Office is currently closed.
For all general enquiries, please email:

Parental Petition – First Holy Communion.
The Church has always held the view that Parents are the first educators of their children in the Catholic Faith. Parishioners who attend weekly Mass, are known in our Parish and to our Parish Priests , whose child is of age, and who feel that their child is suitably prepared to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion, may contact the Sacramental Office to discuss eligibility for an individual ceremony. Upon contacting the Sacramental Office, a meeting may be organised with the Parish Priest to discuss your circumstances further and a decision will be made at the Parish Priest’s discretion.

Communion to the Sick:
The Parish will resume Communion to the sick on a fortnightly basis. The dates for Communion to the sick for September will be Tuesday 15 September and Tuesday 29 September.

Blessing of Pet’s Mass:
Due to the ongoing health situation the decision has been made not to hold the Blessing of Pet’s Mass this year. However, you are invited to bring a picture of your pet to the 10:30 am Sunday Mass on 25 October for a blessing.